In each of following (a) through (f), use all of the listed words in a single sentence
that makes scientific sense. You may use other words, including conjunctions; however, simple
lists of definitions will not receive credit. Underline each of those words where they appear. You
will be assessed on both the sentence's grammatical correctness and its scientific accuracy.
(a) Higgs, collider, mass, field, particle, [name of a celebrity]
(b) Carnot, heat, conduction, Aerogel, cycle, [name of a food]
(c) theorem, Noether, symmetry, conserve, law, [name of your neighbor]
(d) gravity, energy, momentum, rocket, [name of a car]
(e) equal, motion, action, Newton, physics, [any type of container]
(f) Galileo, experiment, fall, move, Aristotle, [name of a planet]