Consider each of the households living in your county.
Family 1: A married couple with one child: Due to the high cost of childcare, one parent stays home to care for the child while the other works 40 hours per week making $18 per hour. They also receive a monthly stipend of $50 to cover work related expenses.
Family 2: A married couple with two children who are in school. Both adults are working 40 hours per week with one making $16 per hour while the other makes minimum wage. One of these workers pays $25 per month in union dues.
Family 3: A fulltime student who only has the time to work 20 hours per week making $2 more than the minimum wage. They have a gerbil as a pet.
Part 1: Equations
Write an equation for the monthly wages of each family, including any bonuses or wage reduction.

Family 1: _____________________________
Family 2: _____________________________
Family 3: _____________________________

Part 2: Graph
Graph each equation on the same grid, using different colors to represent each family.