Diversity is an important element of life. The more people you encounter, the more diversity you experience. Thus, you’ll have greater insight about the world and yourself. Diversity covers different areas such as race, ethnicity, gender, religion, culture, physical characteristics, sexual orientation, age/generation, and socioeconomic status.

Diversity is viewed through four different lenses: internal, external, organizational, and worldview. Pick an area you most connect with or have the most insight about. Reflect on your experiences through one of the lenses and write about them. Example: If you identify as a Hispanic female, describe one of the following: internal experience (self), external experience (other people), organizational experience (school/ work), or worldview experience (society). What did you learn about yourself during this reflection?

Now think of a group you don’t belong to. Examine the group through one of the four lenses. What differences do you notice? What similarities do you notice? Why is this information important? What can you do to respect how others might be different from you?