Read one of the following books:
Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
Financial Literacy for Teens by Chad Foster
The Four Laws of Debt Free Prosperity by Blaine Harris & Charles Coonrandt
Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley, Ph.D.
Create a gogle dc with the following headings and information:
CONVERSATION REFLECTION: Verbally share what you learned with two other people in your social or family circle. This could be a boss, parents, friends, relatives, neighbors, etc. Summarize what you shared, the main points of your conversation, and who you spoke with, in a written reflection. Approximately 250 words.
GRAPHIC ORGANIZER: Digitally create, draw, or choose a graphic organizer to organize a visual representation of what you learned from your book.
PERSONAL APPLICATION SUMMARY: Summarize how you will apply what you learned from this class and the book you read to your own financial life. (I have read these books, so I am not interested in a “book report.”) I want to hear about actionable steps you can take to apply what you have learned. Approximately 250 words.