Write the conditional statement and converse within the biconditional
A rectangle is a square if and onlv it all four sides of the rectangle are eaual length
Conditional: If all four sides of the rectangle are equal length. then it is a square.
Converse: If a rectangle is a sauare. then its four sides are eaual lenoth
conditional: It a rectangle is a square. then it is also a rhombus.
Converse: If a rectangle is a rhombus. then it is also a square.
Conditional: If all four sides are equal length, then all four angles are 90°.
Converse: If all four angles are 90°. then all four sides are equal length.
Conditional: If a rectangle is not a square, then its sides are of different lengths Converse: If the sides are of different lengths, then the rectangle is not a square. I