Plan a four to five minute presentation based on your analysis of the scene. Use the following guidelines to create your presentation: Consider the audience for your presentation (your classmates, siblings, parents or guardians, or friends), and plan the content of the presentation accordingly. Ensure the content of your presentation is appropriate to your audience. Focus on the thesis statement you developed in task 1. Organize your arguments and supporting evidence so that your audience can follow the presentation easily. Limit the amount of text on each slide—you will probably need to say more than what is actually on the screen. Create a full draft of what you plan to say during the presentation. You can jot down additional points in the space for notes in the slideshow editor or write them down on note cards. Make your presentation visually engaging. Add images, charts, or anything else that you think will make your audience want to watch and listen to your presentation. Also, make sure the font you use is easily readable. You can use any slideshow software to create your presentation. After creating your presentation, present it to your audience. If your teacher cannot attend the presentation, using an video recording tool, record your presentation as a video. Upload the video or presentation as a new file to the Graded Activity center at the left of the screen. Then submit it for scoring. Speak audibly and articulate your words clearly. Maintain eye contact with your audience throughout the presentation. (If you record your presentation, look straight at the camera.) Upload the video or presentation to the Graded Activity panel at the left-hand side of the screen. Be sure to submit the file for scoring.