3. तलको program को अध्ययन गरी दिइएका प्रश्नहरूको उत्तर दिनुहोस् (Study the following program and answer the given questions:) [2x1=2] DECLARE FUNCTION TEST (X) X = 100 Z = TEST (X) PRINT Z END FUNCTION TEST (X) FOR I = 1 TO X S = S + I NEXT I TEST S END FUNCTION a. माथिको प्रोग्राममा कतिओटा parameters प्रयोग गरिएका छन् ? (How many parameters are used in the above program?) b. माथिको प्रोग्राममा कतिचोटी S = S +1 स्टेटमेन्ट एक्जिक्युट हुन्छ ? (How many times does the statement S = S + I get executed in the above program.)​

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