7.01 Are You Awake?
Imagine you find some old papers and other items in your grandparents' attic. A
magazine editor welcomes you to submit a paper describing what you've found.
Choose one artifact to write about for Part 2. The artifacts are on page 4 of the lesson.
To complete this assignment, you will: CLICK HERE FOR A VIDEO TO EXPLAIN
Part 1: Pick an artifact out of the three options on p. 4 of the lesson and listed at
the bottom of this template.
Part 2: Write about the artifact following the outline provided
Part 3: Answer the questions that follow based on what you've read in 7.01
Fill in the areas that are highlighted below.
Part 4: Have someone you trust review this after you've proofread it for errors
Part 1: Chosen artifact: Camp Meeting Engraving