This chapter addresses the focus of sociological study, and where it fits in among the social sciences. For the first discussion item, I would like you to consider how the sociological approach may help us to understand the social changes resulting from Covid-19. How have values, norms, beliefs, and/or behaviors been altered? Next, explain how one of the other social sciences (psychology, economics, political science, or anthropology) may understand changes in society due to Covid-19. Specifically identify how the different social sciences differ in their focus.
2. The sociological imagination is a key concept and the basis of the first paper. Read the article, The Sociological Imagination, by Mills posted within this chapters contents. He makes a key distinction between personal troubles and public issues. We all have personal troubles. Some of these are brought on by individual shortcomings, and others are influenced by societal conditions (public issues). Provide an example of a personal trouble that results from personal error or accident that is not connected to a larger issue. Then identify a public issue specifying the societal conditions that led to the issue. Note how individuals experience harm as a result of the issue, that is beyond individual control.