
What people likely lived in the ancient city of Great Zimbabwe and why do archaeologists believe this?

Answer :

First-rate Zimbabwe was a part of a big and rich global trading network. Archaeologists have discovered pottery from China and Persia, as well as Arab coins in the ruins there. The elite of the Zimbabwe Empire managed to trade up and down the east African coast.

the primary population of amazing Zimbabwe were Shona-speakme peoples who possibly settled inside the location as early as 400 C.E. back then, the land became full of opportunities: plains of fertile soil to support farming and herding, and mineral-wealthy territories to offer gold, iron, copper, and tin for buying and selling and crafting.

Archaeologists are numerous reasons outstanding Zimbabwe may additionally have been deserted. through the past due 1600s, the northern rivers were panned easy, and the gold alternate started out to move west. no longer centrally placed, the town won't be capable of thriving whilst revenue and trade dried up.

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