Look at the image and follow the directions
Your task is to find out as much about your family history (about your personal situation) as possible. In order to do so, you
will need to get the following information from a family member (doesn’t need to be biological). Should be at least 2 pages in
length (Typed if possible). The following are examples to try and answer, but you may not be able to answer all the questions
(that’s okay). You may also include other topics/questions of interest to you.
1) What nationalities/countries do your parents/guardians come from? (How long did they live there? Do they have
any stories, etc.)
2) Where were you born? Explain your childhood. (Earliest memory, elem. school, clubs and sports, Middle school, etc.)
3) How did your family (or you) end up in Kent, Washington? (Born here? Moved here? Where from? Why did you
4) 3 stories about you. (funny, entertaining, informative, something to let us know who you are)
5) Cultural information about your family:
a. How do you identify yourself
b. Foods your family eats
c. Games/hobbies you play
d. Religion
e. Cultural dances, songs, or events you participate in
SCORING: 1- Most questions answered (Less than 2 pages, but more than 1), 2 –Questions answered with details (2 pages), 3 – Level 2 plus a map of your
family’s route to where you living now, family tree, picture PowerPoint, present in class, etc. 4- Level 3 plus one additional item (2 total)