Part A: 97%, 1.74, 2 4/5, and 18/5.
Part B: The numbers were rewritten in equivalent form as decimals.
Given the data set has the following numbers, 18/5, 2 4/5, 97%, and 1.74, to order these numbers from least to the greatest, we need to determine their value by rewriting each number in equivalent form, i.e. decimal form.
Part A:
18/5 = 3.6
2 4/5 = 14/5 = 2.8
97% = 97/100 = 0.97
Thus, from the least to the greatest, the numbers in their original form is ordered as: 97%, 1.74, 2 4/5, and 18/5.
Part B: The numbers were rewritten in equivalent form as decimals.
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