An experiment was done to determine if color affects your ability to remember a
list of words. A list of 20 words was gathered. The list was copied 4 times, once
written in green, once in blue, once in red, and once black marker. Students
predicted that the red list would be remembered the best. To investigate a
science class was split randomly into 4 even numbered groups.
Group 1 was given the 20 words written in black marker to study for
3 minutes.
Group 2 received the list written in green marker and was also
given 3 minutes to study the words.
Group 3 was given the blue list and 3 minutes to study the list.
Group 4 was given the red list and 3 minutes to study as well.
At the end of the three minutes, each group was told to put the list away and
write down all words they could remember. The lists were graded to see
how many words were correctly remembered. These were the results:
green list of words remembered an average of 16 of the 20 words.
black list remembered an average of 14 of the 20 words.
blue list remembered an average of 12 of the words.
red list remembered an average of 17 of the 20 words.
What was the problem?
What is the hypothesis?
What is the independent variable?
Dependent variable?
Which group was the control group?
What are the constants?
Analyze the data - what did it show you?
ased should
Did the dala support the hypothesis?
What is the final conclusion of the experiment?