Match the items.
His battle-torch extinguished: the shining blade
Refused to bite. It spared her and failed
The man in his need. It had gone through many
Hand-to-hand fights, had hewed the armor
And helmets of the doomed, but here at last
The fabulous powers of that heirloom failed.
Without more ado, he dived in to the heaving
Depths of the lake. It was the best part of a day
Before he could see the solid bottom.
Wisest of kings, now that I have come
To the point of action, I ask you to recall
What we said earlier: that you, son of Halfdane
And gold-friend to retainers, that you, if I should fall
And suffer death while serving your cause,
Would act like a father to me afterwards.
So the Shieldings' hero, hard-pressed and enraged,
Took a firm hold of the hilt and swung
The blade in an arc, a resolute blow
That bit into her neck bone
And severed it entirely, toppling the doomed
House of her flesh; she fell to the floor.
A sword in her armory, an ancient heirloom
From the days of the giants, an ideal weapon,
One that any warrior would envy,
But so huge and heavy in itself
Only Beowulf could wield it in battle.
The seafarers' leader made for land,
Resolutely swimming, delighted with his prize,
The mighty load he was lugging to the surface.
Call to Adventure
Crossing the Threshold
Trials and Tests
Supreme Ordeal and Atonement
Supernatural Aid
Crossing the Return Threshold