The given decimal number rounded to the nearest tenth is 7996.34.
The given decimal number is 7996.33774627.
We need to find round 7996.33774627 to the nearest tenth.
To round a number to the nearest tenth, we need to look to the right of the tenth place, which is the hundredth place. If the digit in the hundredth place is 5 or greater than 5, we need to add one to the digit in the tenth place. If it is 4 or less than 4, the tenth place digit remains the same. All the digits to the right of the tenth place should be changed to 0. That means, while rounding off a number to the nearest tenth, we will stop the rounding at the tenth place.
Now, the decimal number 7996.33774627 rounded to the nearest tenth.
In the decimal number 7996.33774627, the digit in the hundredth place is 7 which is greater than 5.
So, the decimal number is rounded to 7996.34.
Therefore, the given decimal number rounded to the nearest tenth is 7996.34.
To learn more about rounding decimal numbers visit: